Client Testimonials



“I went to see Dana after my world had fallen down. I had just found out that my little boy had an incurable disease. All the sadness and stress was manifesting in my body as a terrible and debilitating rash. I had suffered eczema throughout my whole life, and I was sick of regular doctors prescribing cortisone steroids. The rash and unhappiness was making me melt down, Dana was my last hope. She put me on a regime of vitamins, herbal essences, homeopathics and a wonderful Green Mix full of everything that is good. I have now regained my mental health, my rash has completely disappeared and I am in the best shape I have ever been. I have lost 12kgs of weight and have the strength and energy to do everything that is asked of a father of 3 kids. Dana is my GURU and I know she will be able to get you on the road to health and happiness.” J.T., Male, 36, England / Australia


“Dana Heather has been a tremendous source of inspiration, information and motivation. I had been feeling very unwell and had constantly lacked energy. Dana’s services were recommended to me by a friend and from the first consultation, my health improved. The vitamins, the herbal remedies, the homeopathics and the ‘Vitamineral Green’ have been life changing. I accredit my new found energy and general feeling of well-being to her. Thanks Dana“! A.B., Female, 40, Singapore / New Zealand


“Dana possesses wisdom and integrity in working to heal others whether it be by homeopathy, nutrition, or other holistic means. She shows compassion and warmth in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Her life experiences can help others deal with difficult mental or physical situations and find the best path for healing. Dana encouraged me to do a fast and talked me through how it all worked. I highly recommend it and feel like it has made me a much healthier person due to some easy lifestyle changes. It was after my first fast that I really realized the benefits of daily maintenance and a balanced diet. By following a daily maintenance plan put together by Dana I have not gotten sick in years and feel much more comfortable with being able to cope with a busy, sometimes stressful lifestyle both mentally and physically”. A.H., 34, New Zealand / Australia


“6 months ago I came to see Dana for a consultation; I was very concerned about my health, my energy level was very low and I got tired easily. I also got stressed out quite frequently, I felt bloated and I couldn’t focus on almost anything I did and with that came hating my work, my environment, how I felt about the people around me especially the people I love the most, including myself! During my first session with Dana she explained thoroughly about Homeopathy and Naturopathy, she was very calm and relaxed. My first visit lasted an hour or so, which I found quite different from visiting a conventional doctor. She asked me many questions about myself as well as my illness and also about the health of my family, both past and present. The treatment I received from Dana after a few sessions has completely changed my health! I have more energy, feel very positive, alert and to top it off, I even lost a few kilos. Dana is thorough and pays attention to every detail; she is clear and precise, passionate with her practice, attentive and very professional. I would definitely recommend her. “ L.C., Female 35, New Zealand / Canada


“Ever since I have been using Vitamineral Green, I have not fallen ill once and that includes 3 pregnancies. This green mix not only benefits me daily but my children have been taking it daily since they started eating food. It has definitely kept their immune system tone as they just don’t seem to get ill very often. Concerned about my children’s nutritional intake, it is a fantastic addition to a daily diet. Containing a mix of 26 easily absorbable plant nutrients, it gives me a safety net especially on the days that our diet may not be perfect. “ Dana Heather 44, Singapore / USA


“Since moving to Singapore over 10 years ago I’d become accustomed to catching the flu at least once a year, sometime more often, and frequent colds. I just put it down to the humid climate, frequent air travel and having a lot of snotty kids around. In 2009 I got particularly frustrated at falling sick when training for triathlons – admittedly I’m a bit of a crammer and probably overdid it in the last weeks before a race. Anyway, at that time I saw Dana and she got me sorted with a decent intake of super foods and vitamins – it’s been 18 months now and not so much as a sniffle!”
K.T, Male, Singapore


“I absolutely adore Vitamineral and Maca, my acne is clearing up and I’m feeling very energetic! My body also does not feel as sore as before from my daily Bikram yoga workouts.” Caroline T. Singapore


Women’s Health


“In hindsight it is hard to believe my mindset when I first visited Dana. I was uptight and stressed about conceiving and was not coping with the pressure of being asked “when are you guys having a baby?” that seemed to be queried every day. On my second visit to Dana, after taking the remedies she administered, I had become relaxed, not concerned about when it would happen, happy to talk to people about it and even thought about putting it off for awhile! I then discovered we were 6 weeks pregnant! Anonymous with a big tummy!“ Female, 32, New Zealand

“Dana’s homeopathy and naturopathy remedies made me feel like a new person during my pregnancy. I really had a new lease of life. With her help, my pregnancy evolved from a stressful time of constant sickness and tiredness into a much healthier and happier time. I would definitely recommend Dana to anyone during pregnancy.“ G.M., Female, 30, New Zealand


Men’s Health


“Since moving to Singapore over 10 years ago I’d become accustomed to catching the flu at least once a year, sometime more often, and frequent colds. I just put it down to the humid climate, frequent air travel and having a lot of snotty kids around. In 2009 I got particularly frustrated at falling sick when training for triathlons – admittedly I’m a bit of a crammer and probably overdid it in the last weeks before a race. Anyway, at that time I saw Dana and she got me sorted with a decent intake of super foods and vitamins – it’s been 18 months now and not so much as a sniffle!”
K.T, Male, Singapore
“Thank you for your help, you will be glad to know that I am seeing instant results and I know that long term I am getting back on track!” Male, Singapore


Children’s Health


“I first met Dana only a couple of months after moving here through our children’s swimming classes. As our children became friendlier, so did we. I had moved here with an 18 month old girl and a 4 month old boy. My son was born 6.5 weeks early. I was frequenting the doctor every six weeks concerning my children’s health, with very bad colds and strep pneumonia and as a result my children were being prescribed antibiotics. It was a very stressful time not only moving to a new country but also dealing with these illnesses every month. I felt there must be more that I could do as a parent. I felt I needed to take control and be my own advocate for their health; certainly the answer could not be antibiotics every six weeks. As my relationship grew with Dana I came to learn about her medical, homeopathy, and naturopathy background. I also came to witness how she was feeding her children and how she was supporting their immune systems through fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, herbals, vitamins, minerals and superfoods. As I confided in Dana about my children’s health issues, we slowly worked together to remedy the underlying problems. She taught me that we get sick due to imbalances in our bodies and that the root of the problem needs to be addressed not just prescribed. That people need to understand their bodies, work with them and allow them to heal themselves. As a result, I made changes and additions to my children’s diet; I shopped only for organic vegetables, fruits and whole foods and became quite stringent in what went into their bodies. I can’t always be in control of what goes in their bodies in public; however, when at home and when traveling, we make wise choices in having healthier snacks versus a lot of the junk that is in the market. I realized parents should decide what goes in a child’s body, not the child. They are too young to know better. My children now know that they have to eat their carrots or broccoli before getting a treat. A lot of their snacks are vegetables and fruits. When they got a cold or fever, with Dana’s help, I use homeopathics, herbals and natural remedies to support them during the illness. She assured me that kids will always get sick; however, when one supports their growing bodies with supplements and a healthy diet, the duration of the illness will last only a few days instead of the usual 2 weeks or more here in Singapore. Yes, my children still get sick; however, I feel so empowered now to make the proper decisions about curing them. Because of Dana, I am armed with a wealth of knowledge and supplements, herbals and remedies on hand as soon as my child has a sniffle. Since I met Dana, my son has only been on antibiotics once over the last 4 years and that is while we were in Thailand. Dana has helped my children with teething, fevers, gastrointestinal problems, personality stages, coughs, colds, constipation, bronchial issue and chicken pox. Thanks Dana for coming into my life and introducing me to all the wonderful products and for giving me the power back!“ C.C., 40, Female, Singapore /USA

Sports Health

“Dana, many thanks again for your great support. I was amazed how quickly I recovered on both days of the Tour De Bintan as I diligently consumed all my powerballs, and plenty of arnica. I was worried how I would feel Sunday morning after such a tough first day of 155km in upto 44C, but I was absolutely fine, full of energy. I even felt strong 1 hour after the end of stage 3 which surprised me, and I attribute primarily to the natural supplements you gave us.” James Brodie Singapore


“The slow release energy provided by the powerballs helped me get through the mental barrier between 112km-156km on day one. This was definitely the hardest part of the race and to find that I still had some energy to push hard over the last 10km of the race was definitely a bonus. ” Tony King Singapore


“The first Stage of 160km on Day 1 was very tough. I was exhausted at the end of it and wondering what state my body would be in for the 70km second stage early on Day 2. I needn’t have worried, I was amazed at how good I felt and I attribute that to the Balanced Living supplements that helped me recover so quickly” Paul Stephens Singapore


“The green gunpowder was like dana-mite !! “
James Brodie


“Apart from helping to provide the much needed energy I required to get through the 5 hours of the grueling first stage, it was very comforting to know that I was putting a natural product into my body. Natural products are something rare to find in the modern range of high performance sports supplements typically used in endurance events.” Matt Barron Singapore




“I wanted to update you with my race in Phuket early December. It was overall good half ironman race to end the season with a tough cycling course. I tested for the first time your Power Balls and they were amazing! I have to say that I was a bit nervous to try new nutrition during a race but it was really no regrets. I took them as and when I felt like necessary during the bike ride, they gave me a completely different energy level from the usual gels and likes. It was a constant, solid energy throughout, nothing like the usual high and lows. I enjoyed eating them and they do not have the sugary/sweet taste of the regular sports drinks and gels that can get so sickly. I felt great at the end of the race, the recovery was very different, I just felt stronger overall. So I am definitely a converted!” Masami Singapore